Crawford County, Pennsylvania
History & Biography
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sides of 100 skins. Six men are employed. 2,000 hides and 1,000 calf skins are purchased annually, and 200 cords of bark used. The yearly value of the articles manufactured is about $20,000.
This extensive establishment is located on the south-west corner of Liberty and North streets. The building is three stories high, and covers an area of 80 by 30 feet, independent of a building in the rear. The first story is devoted to making boxes and cases for shipping the instruments. The second story to tuning and a general sales room. The third is filled with a large stock of finished cases, and there too the cases are varnished, polished and finished. Mr. Whitney has conducted the business successfully for about nine years, sending out a large number of superior instruments which bear comparison with the best manufactured anywhere. He employs constantly a large number of hands, and is about to enlarge further his facilities to compete with foreign manufacturers.
Arch street, from Water to East Alley, between Pine and Chestnut.
Atlantic Avenue from the old Channel North.
Baldwin street, from North Main street northwardly to city limits.
Canal street, from Centre to Walnut, between Second street and Crab Alley.
Centre street, from old Channel to Liberty, between Walnut street and Cherry Alley
Chestnut street, from depot easterly to city limits, between Arch and Centre.
Clark street, from Liberty to Grove.
Dock street, from French Creek to Water street, south of Chestnut.
East College street, from North Main to High.
Great Western Avenue, from the depot to Atlantic Avenue.
George street, from North Main to High, south east of College.
Grove street, from State street south to city limits.
Grant street, from State to Randolph.
Hemlock street, from Pine to Poplar.
Henry street, from North Main to High, between College street and Beech Alley.
High street, from Randolph to Limber road, east of South Main.
Jefferson street, from State street to Limber road.
Liberty street, from Randolph south to city limits, east, of Main.
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