Crawford County, Pennsylvania

Historical Borough Boundaries

Origins: Platted by David H. Turner in 1836.  [Not shown on the 1848 county map.]1
15 April 1851 Incorporated as Turnerville from South Shenango Twp. 2
Be it enacted ... that Turnerville, in the county of Crawford, shall be, and the same is hereby erected into a borough, which shall be called "The borough of Turnerville," bounded and limited, as follows: beginning at the n.e. corner of James White's land; thence along said White's, Webb's, and Kellogg's north line, and west by the west line of Kellogg's; thence to the s.e. corner of lands owned by David Jackson; thence east to Shenango creek; thence along said creek to the place of beginning.
14 Aug. 1863 Charter annulled upon formation of West Shenango Twp. [q.v.]

1 Meadville Courier 12 Jan. 1836, p. 3, col. 6 (announcing sale of lots).   RETURN

2 1852 Pa. Laws 722 (Act No. 416).   RETURN