| Event
Origins: |
Settled in 1788 by David Mead and others, and originally called Cussewago,1 Lewisburgh, and Mead’s settlement. Platted and lots sold in 1793 by David Mead. Resurveyed and enlarged by David Mead, Dr. Thomas R. Kennedy, and Maj. Roger Alden in 1795.2 |
29 March 1823 |
Incorporated as a borough from Mead Twp. 3 |
| Be it enacted ... that the town of Meadville, and its vicinity, in the county of Crawford, comprised in the following limits, viz: Beginning at the east end of Ken[n]edy’s Bridge, and thence along the Mercer and Meadville turnpike road, to the place where the south line of South Alley crosses said road; thence east along said alley, to the Susquehanna and Waterford turnpike road; thence south along said road, to the place where the north line of William Clark’s farm crosses the same; thence east along the said line, to the east end of the town tract; thence north along the said line, to the n.e. corner of Samuel Lord's farm; thence west along the north line of the said Samuel Lord’s land, to the bank of French creek; thence down the meanders of said creek, to the place of beginning, shall be and the same is hereby erected into a borough, which shall be called the Borough of Meadville. |
15 March 1826 |
Boundaries altered.4 |
| Be it enacted ... that the borough of Meadville ... shall hereafter be comprised within the following bounds, viz: Beginning at the east end of Kennedy’s Bridge; thence along the Mercer and Meadville turnpike road to the place where the south street of said borough, on which Caleb Park lives, commences; thence east along said street and on a continued line to the Susquehanna and Waterford turnpike road; thence north along said road to an alley, called South Alley; thence eastwardly along said alley to the eastern alley, or boundary of the town plot; thence north along East Alley and upon a continued line to the line dividing the farm of Samuel Lord, Esquire, and land late the estate of David Mead; thence west along the line of the land of said Samuel Lord to French creek; and thence down the meanders of said creek to the place of beginning. ... [and] that all that part of the borough of Meadville not comprised within the limits described in the preceding section, shall be and remain a part of the township of Mead, in said county of Crawford, in the same manner as it was before the passing of the act incorporating the said borough. |
9 April 1834 |
Territory annexed from Mead Twp. 5 |
| Be it enacted ... the extent and boundaries of the borough shall still continue, as heretofore, except the lot of ground, now owned and occupied by Ashbel Clark, adjoining the east line of the borough, and south of, and adjoining the road running east from Chestnut street, shall be added to, and included in the borough of Meadville. |
3 April 1841 |
Territory annexed from Mead Twp. 6 |
| Be it enacted ... that the boundary lines of the borough of Meadville, in the county of Crawford, be and same are hereby altered and extended as follows—commencing on the east side of Water street at the meadow land of J. H. Huidekoper; thence along the north and eastern line of said meadow, in an easterly and southerly direction to the line between property formerly owned by James Miller, now George Leitler, and the out lot formerly owned by Peter Dinkey, now Steven Barlow; thence eastwardly along said out lot to the eastern boundary of the Susquehanna and Waterford turnpike road; thence southwardly along said road to the farm of William Clark; thence eastwardly along the line of said farm up the western boundary of the Oil creek road; thence northwardly along said western boundary to the north line of the continuation of Chestnut street to East alley; thence north along said alley, and upon a continued straight line to the farm late the property of Samuel Lord; and thence along the line of said farm, according to the boundaries of said borough, established by the act [of 15 March 1826 (see above)]. |
23 Feb. 1842 |
Divided into North and South Wards.7 |
| Be it enacted ... that the borough of Meadville be divided into two wards, by a ling running as follows, viz: Commencing on French creek, at the termination of Cherry alley, thence along said alley to Chancery lane, thence along said lane to Chestnut Street, thence along said street to East alley, and all that part of said borough which lies north of said line shall be called North ward of said borough and the residue of said borough shall be called South ward. |
22 Jan. 1844 |
Division line between North and South Wards altered.8 |
| Be it enacted ... that Chestnut Street shall be the division line between the North and South Wards of the borough of Meadville. |
5 April 1853 |
Territory annexed from Mead Twp. 9 |
| The following described territory, contiguous to the borough of Meadville, in the county of Crawford, viz: Beginning at the northeast corner of H. J. Huidekoper’s meadow; thence along the south side of Poplar street westward to the present borough line; thence along said line by Water street extended northwardly to the present borough line; thence along the said last line eastward to the present borough line; and thence along the same southward to the place of beginning; shall be included within the limits of said borough. |
5 May 1854 |
Territory annexed from Mead Twp. 10 |
| Be it enacted ... that the boundaries of the borough of Meadville, in the county of Crawford, shall be as follows, viz: Beginning on the eastern bank of French creek, on the north line of the original tract formerly owned by William Clark; thence eastwardly along said line to the north-east corner of said tract; thence northwardly along the original line of tract formerly owned by John Ellis, to the north side of Greendale cemetery lot; thence westwardly along the south line of said lot to the south-west corner thereof; thence northwardly along the dividing line, between the said cemetery lot and lot of Thomas J. Limber, to the Meadville and Brokenstraw plank road; thence westwardly along the centre of said plank road, leading from the state road, to the Douglas out-lots; thence north-westwardly along the center of said road to the out-lots aforesaid; thence westwardly along the centre of the lane dividing out-lots numbers nineteen, seventeen, fourteen, eleven, eight and five, on the one side, from out-lots numbers eighteen, thirteen, twelve, seven and six, on the other side, and by the course of said lane or alley to the old Limber road; thence south-westwardly along the centre of said road to the Susquehanna and Waterford turnpike road; thence along the west side of said road southwardly, to the dividing line between lots of Doctor Goe, and the Reverend R. Craighead; thence westwardly along said line to the north-west corner of Craighead“s lot; thence southwardly along the west line thereof, to the line dividing the land formerly owned by the late Colonel William Magaw, from land now owned by William Reynolds, esquire; thence westwardly along said line to the eastern bank of French creek; thence down the said stream on the eastern bank thereof, by its various windings, to the place of beginning. |
15 Feb. 1866 |
Incorporated as a city, with North and South Wards.11 |
| Be it enacted ... that the inhabitants of the town of Meadville, in the county of Crawford, residing within the following limits, to wit: beginning on the eastern bank of French creek, at the line dividing the land, formerly owned by the late Colonel William Magaw, from land owned by William Reynolds, esquire; thence eastwardly, and following the present boundary line of the borough of Meadville, in the county of Crawford, to the n.e. corner of the Huidekoper park; thence along the east line of said park, to the s.e. corner thereof; thence, by the south line of the said park, and continuation thereof, to the west side of the canal; thence, by said canal, to the west side of the Clark road; thence westwardly, by said road, and continuation of same course, to the middle of French creek; thence following the middle of said creek, by the new channel thereof, cut by the Atlantic and Great Western Railway Company, to the place of beginning, are hereby constituted a corporation and body politic, by the name and style of the city of Meadville.... |
4 April 1868 |
Divided into First, Second, Third, and Fourth Wards.12 |
15 April 1869 |
Territory annexed from Mead Twp. 13 |
| Be it enacted ... that all that certain lot or parcel of land adjoining the city of Meadville, in the county of Crawford, bounded and described as follows: Beginning on the south side of Linden street, in the city, at the point where the same is intersected by the French Creek feeder of the Pennsylvania canal; thence by said French Creek feeder n. 24° e. 29.6 perches to a point, where the present city boundaries crosses the said French Creek feeder; thence by the present city boundaries n. 76½° e. 0.6 perches to a post in line with the south side of said Linden street; thence s. 72½° w. 6.6 perches to place of beginning, is hereby annexed to the said city of Meadville... |
28 March 1870 |
Territory annexed from Mead Twp. 14 |
| Be it enacted ... that so much of the township of Mead, in the county of Crawford, as lies between the western boundary of the city of Meadville and the eastern boundary of the township of Vernon in said county, be and the same is hereby incorporated into and made a part of the City of Meadville. |
13 Aug. 1891 |
Third class city provisions of Act of 23 May 1874 accepted.15 |
22 Nov. 1894 |
Part of First Ward attached to the Fourth Ward.16 |
| [Ordered] that Chestnut Street, and a continuation of the line thereof west to French Creek, shall be the dividing line between the First and Fourth Wards. |