| Be it enacted ... that the territory lying in the townships of Spring and Summerhill, in the county of Crawford, included within the following boundaries: Beginning at a stake on the north side of Main street, the s.w. corner of lot #35, of Alexander Powers' survey of village lots; thence along the west side of said survey, n. 29° 30' e. 43 perches to a post; thence s. 60° 30' e. 142 perches to a post; thence s. 25° 30' e. 129— perches to a post; thence s. 19° and 40' w. 80 perches to a post; thence n. 64° and 30' w. 110 perches to a post; thence west 50 perches to a post; thence north 60 perches to line between the townships of Spring and Summerhill; thence n. 56° w. 86 perches to a post; thence n. 35° 40' e. 81— perches to the place of beginning, is hereby erected into a borough, to be called the "the [sic] borough of Conneautville." |