Crawford County, Pennsylvania
History & Biography
NOTE: This township has not yet been indexed.
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was formed in 1830. It lies upon the south border
of the county, east of the center, and contains 17,581 square
acres. It is watered in the western and central parts by the
north and east branches of Sugar Creek, which unite near the
south-west corner. Oil Creek crosses the north-east corner.
The Oil Creek & Allegheny Valley, Union & Titusville and
Pennsylvania Petroleum railroads cross the north-east corner of
the township in close proximity. Among the manufacturing
establishments are S. B. Hayes’ saw mill, which is located on
the east branch of Sugar Creek, employs two men and is capable of sawing 4,000 feet of lumber and 10,000 shingles per day;
A. T. & J. C. Burns’ saw and shingle mills, which are located
on the west branch of Sugar Creek, and are capable of sawing
1,500 feet of lumber and 5,000 to 8,000 shingles per day; Albert
F. Newton’s steam saw mill, which is situated on Oil Creek and
the line of the P. P. R. E., and saws 8,000 feet of lumber per
day; and the saw and stave mills of Johnson & Boush of Meadville, which are located in the western part of the township,
give employment to twenty-seven men, and are capable of sawing 10,000 feet of lumber and 10,000 staves and heading per day. The timber is brought from the woods to the mill upon
a tram-way one and one-half miles in length.
The population of the township in 1870 was 983, all of whom
were white, 954, native and 29, foreign.
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During the year ending June 3,1872, it contained ten schools
and employed ten teachers. The number of scholars was 277;
the average number attending school, 214; and the amount
expended for school purposes, $1,165.87.
TROY CENTER, (p. o.) situated on the east branch of Sugar Creek, near the geographical center of the township, contains a
school, grocery, cooper shop, wagon shop and ten houses. Peter
Keyes was the first white man to build here, though when he
came a negro known as “Black Francis” was living there in a
log hut.
NEWTONTOWN, situated in the eastern part, on the line of the P. P. E. R., contains a school, hotel, grocery and saw mill. It
derives its name from Edmond C. Newton, who located here
Jan. 6, 1847, and purchased of Samuel Sinclair, who is thought
to have preceded him by thirty years, his property, consisting
of 200 acres of land, only four of which were cleared, a log hut
and a saw mill. Newton came from the town of Gerry, Chautauqua county, N. Y., at the age of thirty-three years, and died at Newtontown, Dec. 5, 1872. Wm. McGinnis and John Reynolds were early settlers in this locality.
Settlement was commenced by James Luse, who came from
Essex county, N. J., about 1795, and located on the place now
occupied by his grandson, Robert A. Luse. His wagon is said
to have been the third one which left Pittsburgh for Meadville.
When he came no one was living within nine miles of him.
Jacob Rishel came with his father from Cooperstown, N. Y.,
about 1833, with a yoke of oxen, having at that late day to cut
their own road a distance of nine miles. They settled upon the
place now occupied by the former, on road 12 (see map.) Peabody Faunce came in March, 1838, and located at “Fauncetown,” in the western part, upon a tract of land purchased of John McKenzie, who left the place a few years before and went
to Cooperstown, and is supposed to have settled it five years before Faunce bought.
1 Hamilton Child, comp., Gazetteer and Business Directory of Crawford County, Pa., for 1874 (Syracuse, N.Y.: By the comp., 1874), pp. 118-19.