Crawford County, Pennsylvania
History & Biography
1874 1
<p. 55>
GREENWOOD was formed in 1830. It lies upon the south border of the county, west of the center, and contains 19387 square acres. The major portion of its northern boundary is formed by Conneaut Outlet. The surface is generally level, being a little broken in the north-east part. Conneaut Marsh, which extends along the north border, is about half a mile wide and from 100 to 200 feet below the general level <p. 56> of the land. It is well watered by springs of pure water which give rise to numerous small streams flowing north into Conneaut Outlet, and to Little Sandy Creek and Sandy Run, which flow south-east, all eventually mingling their waters with those of the Allegheny. The soil is a fertile, gravelly loam, well adapted to dairying and fruit culture. The timber consists of beech, maple, pine and hemlock. Its numerous springs of wholesome water constitute it a healthy township.
The Atlantic & Great Western R. R. extends through the north part.
The population of the township in 1870 was 1,782, of whom 1,761 were native, 21, foreign, 1,771, white and 11, colored.
During the year ending June 3, 1872, it contained thirteen schools and employed twenty-two teachers. The number of scholars was 603; the average number attending school, 460; and the amount expended for school purposes, $2,785.61.
GENEVA (p. v.) (formerly known as Suttons Corners, which name it derived from John Sutton, who still resides there,) is situated in the northern part on the A. & G. W. R. R. and contains two churches, a school house, two hotels, seven stores, two wagon shops, five blacksmith shops, a telegraph office, shoe shop, harness shop, tin shop, about 100 dwellings and 400 inhabitants. It was incorporated as a borough Jan. 23, 1872.
SANDY CREEK is located in the southern part, on Little Sandy Creek. The post office at this place was discontinued in 1872.
GRINNELS is a hamlet located a little north of the center of the township.
WEST GREENWOOD is situated in the west part, a little south of the center.
Settlement is believed to have commenced soon after the settlement of the Meads at Meadville, by Asher and William Williams, who took up 800 acres of land, but our information is not sufficiently authentic to clearly establish the date. Abraham Martin settled here in 1794 and died in 1820. Samuel Anderson, from Sherman, came in 1796, and settled upon a tract of 400 acres in the central part of the township. At that time the nearest market was Pittsburgh. In 1797 Richard Custard, a native of Chester county, came from the west branch of the Susquehanna and settled upon a tract of 400 acres in the eastern part, where for some time he kept a hotel. John McMichael came from the Susquehanna to Meadville, in 1797, and remained there one winter, when he removed to the western part of this township. In 1799 he erected a saw mill and grist mill, the first erected in the township. Robert Adams emigrated <p. 57> from Ireland to Philadelphia, in 1799, and came to this township in 1801, with a yoke of oxen. He located on the farm now owned by George Adams. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and died May 17, 1844. Alexander Clark and Thomas Abbott came in 1802. Clark was a Virginian and settled on a tract of 400 acres. His son, John R. Clark, our informant, was then two years old. Abbott came from New Jersey and located on the site of Geneva. He died in 1854, in his 72d year. John Sutton, a native of New Jersey, came with his father of the same name in 1803. They came the entire way with a wagon. The same year Francis Porter, from Cumberland county, came with a five horse team, having to chop a road for many miles, and settled upon a tract of land upon which the Presbyterian church now stands. Wm. Brooks emigrated from Ireland to Philadelphia in 1798, and removed thence in company with John Cook and family and John Dermant to the bank of Shenango creek in South Shenango. In 1808 he settled in this township, on the farm now owned by Alexander Caldwell. He was a soldier in 1812, and in 1813 he removed to Geneva. Joseph Thacher came from Washington county in 1810, in company with his wife and two children and his wife's sister and her two children. They came from Pittsburgh on horseback, his wife also on horse back, carrying the children while he went ahead. He was drafted in 1812, and during his absence his wife threshed the grain with a flail. He died in 1862, aged 72 years. John M. Wood, a native of Vermont, settled in the township about 1812. Peter Smith who came from Blooming Valley, in Woodcock township, was the first merchant in Geneva. He sold the first goods in 1860, at which time, he says, that borough contained but six or eight shanties and not a single painted house.
Greenwood Free Will Baptist Church was organized with six members, Jan. 22, 1832, by Rev. George Collins, the first pastor. The Church edifice was erected in 1843. The building of a new one is contemplated. It is to be constructed of brick and cost about $3000. There are 104 members. The pastor is Rev. A. C. Bush.—[Information furnished by Mr. William Thacher.
Greenfield Presbyterian Church, in the south-west corner of the township, was organized with twenty members, June 22, 1854. The church edifice was erected the same year at a cost of $1500. It will seat 250 persons. The first pastor was Rev. George Scott, but previous to his installation (June 27, 1860,) the pulpit was supplied by Rev. James Coulter and others. The present pastor is Rev. I. W. McVitty. The Society consists of forty-five members; its property is valued at $1250.—[Information furnished by Mr. James Hamilton.
The Church of the United Brethren in Christ, at Geneva, was organized with four members, in 1870, by Rev. P. W. Ish, the first pastor, and the house of worship which will seat 500 persons, was erected in 1871, at a <page 58> cost of $2700. The pastor is Rev. — Everts, and the number of members, twenty-four. The Church property is valued at $2800.—[Information furnished by Mr. I. D. Christ, class leader.
1 Hamilton Child, comp., Gazetteer and Business Directory of Crawford County, Pa., for 1874 (Syracuse, N.Y.: By the comp., 1874), pp. 55-58.