Crawford County, Pennsylvania

History & Biography

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Looking at the city from the heights—its white houses, its business blocks, and the several spires of its churches, give us no intimation of newness, but it partakes of the look of an old town—though the absence of shade trees, or rather the presence of thousands of young trees, indicate that it has but recently acquired that permanent and steady growth, which has marked the past two years.


    While to many of its inhabitants, as well as to most travellers and tourists, Titusville is known only as a noisy and ill-savored oil town, devoted to petroleum interests as far as strangers are concerned, and to a variety of odors peculiar to the trade.  There are, within a half day’s ride, quiet beauties and gems of landscape and mountain scenery witnessed nowhere else, and well worth a visit, especially after a night’s rest at any of the first-class hotels, for which the city of Titusville has long been noted.  The hills that lie to the north of the city are the favorite attractions of visitors, as well as the pride of the citizens themselves, who behold with regret the devastation and clearing away of the woodman’s axe, who came preparing the way for oil operations.  A foot-path leads up the point of the hill lying adjacent to Church Run, and from this elevation one of the finest views can be obtained.  The sight-seer should keep upon the western brink till he comes to a point from which he commands a lovely view of the valley, bounded by other distant elevations, while the creek curves gracefully along at the foot of the opposite bluff.  To the right, looking south, there is a tender softness and beauty in the scene, while on the other hand, there is a touch of wildness that forms an admirable contrast to the opposite aspect.  We will proceed to mention a few of the leading branches of industry here, which, owing to circumstances already explained, will be very brief, but we promise our patrons in our next annual publication to give a more elaborate exhibit of all the different pursuits.

    The business statistics of Titusville fairly reflect the enterprise of its people.&nsbp; Every industrial pursuit is represented, and the large manufactor- next page